Muscats Of Rutherglen

Rutherglen Muscats are classified under four descriptions that mark a progression in richness, complexity and intensity of flavour.

Rutherglen Muscat is the foundation style displaying fresh raisin aromas, rich fruit, clean spirit and great length of flavour on the palate.  It has an average age of 3 - 5 years and residual sugar levels of between 180-240g/L. 

The second tier is Classic Rutherglen Muscat, 6 - 10 years age and 200-280g/L sweetness, already at a level of complexity, intensity and unctuous richness without parallel in the world.

The third tier is Grand Rutherglen Rutherglen Muscat, 11-19 years average age, and 270-400g/L sugar. All the attributes of Classic are magnified into a soaring whirl of complexity.

Finally you reach Rare, 20+ years average, but with some very ancient (60-80 years) material balanced by fresh, young wine.